I'm now a proud member of the Moderating team within the new online writing community- Reader's Writer's Notebook! I've posted a link below, please check it out!:
Hey guys, I decided to make my own ACTUAL blog page since the one on Weebly was ANNOYING ME. So please se my other one and be sure to say that you're a fellow writer! 
Go to it here: http://fallingandraising.blogspot.com/  

For all my Art stuff I have this blog, which may or may not be more up to date than my art pages on here.
Go to it here: http://morgansworkings.blogspot.com/ 

I also have a blog that I made with my friend Mudge... It's just something stupid we do for fun, but if your having a bad day or just need some laughs- why don't you check it out? Couldn't hurt right?
Go to it here:



1 Comment

*sigh* days seem to just keep getting LONGER... I just have to keep going though! Almost finished with a current screen-play skript called 'The Wishing Card' that I chose not to publish on the website... cross your fingers everybody that this time I'll make it through!!!
Don't you just love it when you go on Facebook and all of a sudden realize that you have about 64 random likes of all your different comments from the SAME 3 people? 

*Cough- Ariana, Roxy, and CM -COUGH*

Well... Yeah. I've got a LIST now. And each day I Like-bomb each person until they EXPLODE. I did Ariana first, then CM today... (I'm going in order of last name) Now you better watch out Kitty! Because YOU ARE NEXT!!! 

I've decided against writing 'Dark as Night' for multipul reasons- the main one being that it just conflicts too much with the whole basis of the Hopi religion (which some people still follow) and I didn't want anyone to become offinded by my use of their customs.

It's a shame that I'm having to desert that specific story though- especially since it was my main go-to peice of writing. Now I'm going to you.

What Story Should I Set with my Main Priority?

1. The Dream State
2. When the Light Shines Blue
3. Naomi Fray
4. Yewling Lake
5. Catching Star's (NEW)

Thanks so much for helping, and please leave the number of the story you think I should continue most in the comment box below!
Hey guys! I promised I'd keep the updates coming, so here it is! We have a new excerpt from my current 'main' writing project, 'Dark as Night'! In it, I have introduced two very new characters, and a bit more of the basic background of what the story is about! Also I added a Music player (as you've probably seen at the bottom of you screen) which I am calling 'October's Weekly PlayList'! On it, I will update another one of my favorite songs that you can listen to while going through my latest pages. Also there is a new 'Book O' Da Week!!!' that I think you should DEFIANTLY check out! Also I have made one more change, with a new page called 'Other Sites' that has links to 16+ different online writing competition's, clubs, and other writer websites! 

Hope you like my work, and ALWAYS open for critiques- 

<3  Morgan <3
Get ready for this weeks new...
also, I have now put up some of my story illustrations (yay! FINALLY!) and created a cool book cover for 'Dark as Night'! (see the 'Dark as Night' main page)... If you happen to be a NaNoWriMo member (YWP section) I AM TOO!!! :D Friend me! (maggy123456789) Just tell me you see my website from time to time, and Id love to accept your 'Writing Buddy' Request! ;)

Luv ya, and TTYL-
Just finished the final revisions for the Site! :D any idea's you think I should use? 
                              COMMENT! ;)
Hey everybody! October here, starting up the first official launch date of 'October Dusk'! Real excited, hope everybody enjoys reading my stuff! ;)

October's Weekly PlayList:

'Thats How Strong My Love Is' By: Alicia Keys