Hey guys! I promised I'd keep the updates coming, so here it is! We have a new excerpt from my current 'main' writing project, 'Dark as Night'! In it, I have introduced two very new characters, and a bit more of the basic background of what the story is about! Also I added a Music player (as you've probably seen at the bottom of you screen) which I am calling 'October's Weekly PlayList'! On it, I will update another one of my favorite songs that you can listen to while going through my latest pages. Also there is a new 'Book O' Da Week!!!' that I think you should DEFIANTLY check out! Also I have made one more change, with a new page called 'Other Sites' that has links to 16+ different online writing competition's, clubs, and other writer websites! 

Hope you like my work, and ALWAYS open for critiques- 

<3  Morgan <3

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October's Weekly PlayList:

'Thats How Strong My Love Is' By: Alicia Keys